Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Pretty Much What I've Been Saying - A "Gold Std" is Distracting Bullshit

Living Cells Show How to Fix the Financial System

Although this is pretty superficial. They had to dumb it down for Bloomberg audiences.

Basic message is that developing systems repeatedly adapt by connecting everything to everything, and then settling into the simplest system-state that allows agile net responses to a given situation or context. In biology it's called "ontogeny" and goes on through a process of sexually recombinant replicas.

The first trick for a given culture, market or system of any sort, is to add enough instrumentation to automatically TRIGGER reconnecting everything to everything - as fast or faster than contexts change.  Then, once each highly plastic system-state is achieved, the next trick is to to automatically TRIGGER rapid re-settling to yet another new state, complete with endless hacks too complex & context specific to bother replicating. We refer to the second process as the dead-end of "maturity."  It's always easy for an outside observer to see what SHOULD occur, but something entirely different for a complex system to actually initiate & execute re-equilibration fast enough to matter.

The real race is always to make more "tunable" systems, not to say what they should do. What to do is the easy part. How to actually "get'r done", fast enough, is all that really matters. Adaptation = a system that automatically triggers it's own re-organization, fast enough to keep up with changing context.

In Warren Mosler's words, "How do you get people to explore their options?" That's the key. The options almost don't matter. Developing teams & populations that will aggressively explore whatever group options come along is - in practice - all that matters.


Tom Hickey said...

Right, this is what markets are supposed to according to economic theory, which is correct theoretically but impractical as a cybernetic principle of governing.

That is the mistake of the neoliberal approach to political economy. It's total reliance is on the free market mechanism without sufficient attention to institutional arrangements that are not entirely economic.

The issue is a systems approach based on evidence. The life and social sciences have been examining this for some time, but most economists and politicians have not been paying attention.

Anonymous said...

The quality of writing and professionalism has really sunk to a new low on this and some other MMT websites. Something to keep in mind. Especially for the academics like Wray whose writing style is horrendous and often offensive.

Anonymous said...

You wear real gold because its valuable or fake gold because you ain't got nothin, cave guido?


Edmund said...

The quality of writing and professionalism has really sunk to a new low on this and some other MMT websites. Something to keep in mind. Especially for the academics like Wray whose writing style is horrendous and often offensive.

You might want to try ZeroHedge, where articles signed by fictional characters will inform you about looming inflation. All aboard the GLD bus!

jeg3 said...

Nice article and right on target about systems. Also true about gold and the dunces don't realize it is just an element, but good for lmao.

dave said...

anon, there is an easy fix if you dont like what you are reading- dont read it

Matt Franko said...

"distracting bullshit"

Finally some semantics that even I can understand!!!

Good one Roger!


Anonymous said...

No, I found the writing on this one to hard to read also (even if I agree with what was written), and I read this site daily. It comes across as dot-pointers. I don't believe the comment was anti-MMT in that sense.


Matt Franko said...


Sometimes it looks like people who are hardwired for mathematical cognition cant write as well.

I count myself among them.

What I often think math people need most to be able to communicate (even amongst themselves) is a conference room with a BIG whiteboard and a whole bunch of multi-colored dry markers...


Tom Hickey said...

@ apj

Hey, write up a post and show us how to do it.

And that goes not only for apj. There are plenty of people that comment here who are well able to write up posts from time to time. It would enrich the site. Mike has had the invitation sign out for some time in the left column.

Unforgiven said...

Anonymous -

You wear real diamonds because they're attractive or fake ones because the real ones are in the vault.

#ShiffWasRightWingAndPanderingToPaidSubscribers. And he's probably unloading his gold on the poor bastards.

I wear real gold on the connections in my computer. I'll agree it has further utility in artistic expressions and in medicine.

Unknown said...

Nathasha like to write about moose and squirrel. She like to create out of air, just like capitalist bank. Natasha like to get paid like capitalist bank, she fill out job application.

Unknown said...

Natasha self edit too. Example: BIG capitalist bank.

Boris said...

Capitalist Bank is not filling out application. Capitalist Bank is getting paid vigorish to book bet when OTHERS fill out application. Is called double-crossing bookeeping.

Unknown said...

Natasha say capitalist bank most definitely filling out application. And Boris just acting up again. Boris does that.

Word of the Day: Abracadabra!

Government has "symbiotic" relationship with self to create capitalist bank money. Not "consolidated". Boris no understand and sleep on couch tonight.

"Double-cross bookkeeping" make Natasha happy though. Very happy.

Major_Freedom said...


Nice article and right on target about systems. Also true about gold and the dunces don't realize it is just an element, but good for lmao.

Cotton and linen (Federal Reserve Notes) are also "just" meterials as well.

You are ignoring the subjective human element in making gold a valued material.

I'd rather accept gold than cotton and linen, but because I am forced to pay taxes in cotton and linen (or more often digital bits and bytes), I am coerced into acquiring them no matter what I trade.

Drop the coercion, drop the violence backed monetary system, and we'll see just how funny it will be to see gold and silver being remonetized in the population.

But of course you know gold and silver will win against cotton and silver and digital bits and bytes in a free society, where individuals are free to choose whatever money they want without being coerced by the state, and that is the ONLY reason you MMTers constantly attack gold. You know fiat paper cannot compete when people are free to choose, so you attack freedom of choice and you attack gold.

Fiatbugs are very hilarious to read. 99% of the time, every disparaging remark you make against gold, applies more so with the state's paper notes and digital entries.

Major_Freedom said...

"Natasha" is probably some fat middle aged guy in a stained wife beater who has a fetish for eastern European women.

Unknown said...

"Natasha" is probably some fat middle aged guy...

Natasha blush. Natasha say "Major_Freedom" very close. Except Natasha like BIG women with head lice living in double-wide. That why Natasha move to Alabama. BIG_Freedom! Nathasha say "Major_Freedom" send secret internet message to Nathasha. Natasha no know why, but Nathasha also send signal:

"Natasha" >3 "Major_Freedom"

Natasha no in mood tonight though. Natasha re-signal "Major_Freedom" when in mood for internets sexy time.

Unknown said...

Oops! Natasha blush again. Natasha has BIG headache, and internet secret signal confusing. So Natasha self edit:

"Natasha" <3 "Major_Freedom"

Nathasa talk soon to "Major_Freedom". "Major_Freedom" encouraged to continue send internet secret signal though. Natasha say that include everyone in cyberspaces. Nathasha no jealous.

Major_Freedom said...

Natasha/Nathasha is crazier than a bag of wet cats.

Trixie said...

Natasha/Nathasha is crazier than a bag of wet cats

Sorry to have missed this. And that is SO hawt.

FD: Natasha/Nathasha = Trixie.

Have at it. And good luck. May the best "man" win.