Friday, January 4, 2013

Luke Johnson — Newt warns GOP Housse not to play debt ceiling card

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) warned House Republicans not to hold the debt ceiling for political leverage Friday, contradicting Republicans who have strongly hinted at their plans to do just that.
"They’ve got to find, in the House, a totally new strategy,” he said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “Everybody’s now talking about, ‘Oh, here comes the debt ceiling.’ I think that’s, frankly, a dead loser. Because in the end, you know it’s gonna happen. The whole national financial system is going to come in to Washington and on television, and say: ‘Oh my God, this will be a gigantic heart attack, the entire economy of the world will collapse. You guys will be held responsible.’ And they’ll cave."
The Huffington Post
Newt Gingrich: Debt Ceiling Is A 'Dead Loser'
Luke Johnson

And Obama is already setting the trap.


Matt Franko said...

Is Newt really warning them?

"The whole national financial system is going to come in to Washington and on television, and say: ‘Oh my God, this will be a gigantic heart attack, the entire economy of the world will collapse. You guys will be held responsible.’ And they’ll cave."

I get the feeling that Newt's use of the word "cave" is derogatory...

These psychos I believe would do this if they can come up with a way to get away with it... just doesnt look like they could get away with it right now... so THEN Newt i saying "dont do it"... but the intent I submit is still there...


Tom Hickey said...

Newt agrees with the objectives but not the strategy for achieving these objectives that employs a tactic that is bound to fail. Good advice. Newt learned the hard way that shutting down the govt to get your way doesn't work so well.

beowulf said...

I suspect that Gingrich is still secretly a Rockefeller Republican. When Rocky ran in 1968, Gingrich was a campaign staffer and as late as 1989, he described himself as in the moderate wing of the party.

Besides his past support for a carbon market and an individual mandate (until Tea Party decreed those the hallmark of Kenyan socialism), just the other day Gingrich said the GOP had to get over its opposition to gay marriage.

There's something kind of amusing that we witnessed a Rockefeller staffer competing with George Romney's SON in a contest over who'd get to run as the most out of step right wing candidate since Barry Goldwater. Alas, this is not a long-term (or even short-term) strategy for Republican success.

Anonymous said...

For once, Newt is right. Republicans will lose another debt ceiling fracas.

Tom Hickey said...

The GOP is in a double-bind which happens when you choose to ride the tiger. When the establishment decided to "go Galt" and abandon moderation, it should have seen that down the road, the so-called TP would be a tiger they would have to ride.

Now GOP reps and senators have to decide between baking a policy that make them look like bomb-throwers and opposing it which just invites a primary challenge that is like to unseat them from within.

Meanwhile, all the Dems have to do is sit back and watch the circular firing squad destroy their opposition, especially with the president saying he will not negotiate with hostage-takers.